Source code for eggshell.config


WPS servers often need to specify a number of paths for processes to find data, shapefiles, caches and determine where
outputs are stored. To make sure all birds use the same architecture, eggshell provides a :class:`Paths` class to help
with this.

from os.path import join, pardir, abspath
from pywps import configuration
import logging
[docs]LOGGER = logging.getLogger("PYWPS")
[docs]class Paths(object): """This class facilitates the configuration of WPS birds.""" def __init__(self, module): """Instantiate class relative to the given module. :param module: Imported module relative to which paths will be defined. """ self._base = module.__path__[0] # _base is not the top level @property
[docs] def top_level(self): """ return the top level directory of a WPS bird """ return abspath(join(self._base, pardir))
[docs] def data(self): """Return the path to the data directory.""" return join(self._base, 'data')
[docs] def shapefiles(self): """Return the path to the geographic data directory.""" return join(, 'shapefiles')
[docs] def testdata(self): """Return the path to the test data directory.""" return join(self.top_level, 'tests/testdata')
[docs] def cache(self): """Return the path to the server cache directory.""" out = configuration.get_config_value("cache", "cache_path") if not out: LOGGER.warn("No cache path configured. Using default value.") out = join(configuration.get_config_value("server", "outputpath"), "cache") return out
[docs] def outputpath(self): """Return the server directory for process outputs.""" return configuration.get_config_value("server", "outputpath")
[docs] def outputurl(self): """Return the server URL for process outputs.""" return configuration.get_config_value("server", "outputurl").rstrip('/')
# @property # def masks(self): # """Return the path to the masks directory.""" # # TODO: currently this folder is not used # return join(, 'masks') # @property # def Rsrc_dir(self): # """Return the path to the R source directory.""" # return os.path.join(self._base, 'Rsrc') # # @property # def static(self): # """Return the path to the static content directory.""" # return os.path.join(self._base, 'static') # Should these go into the class or they're too specialized ?
[docs]def esgfsearch_distrib(): """TODO""" distrib = configuration.get_config_value("extra", "esgfsearch_distrib") if distrib is None: LOGGER.warn("No ESGF Search distrib option configured. Using default value.") distrib = True return distrib
[docs]def esgfsearch_url(): """Return the server configuration value for the ESGF search node URL.""" url = configuration.get_config_value("extra", "esgfsearch_url") if not url: LOGGER.warn("No ESGF Search URL configured. Using default value.") url = '' return url