Source code for

from eggshell import utils
from datetime import datetime as dt
from datetime import timedelta

from eggshell.utils import download
from eggshell.config import Paths
import eggshell as eg
[docs]paths = Paths(eg)
# import logging # logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) import logging
[docs]LOGGER = logging.getLogger("PYWPS")
[docs]_PRESSUREDATA_ = [ 'NCEP_slp', 'NCEP_z1000', 'NCEP_z925', 'NCEP_z850', 'NCEP_z700', 'NCEP_z600', 'NCEP_z500', 'NCEP_z400', 'NCEP_z300', 'NCEP_z250', 'NCEP_z200', 'NCEP_z150', 'NCEP_z100', 'NCEP_z70', 'NCEP_z50', 'NCEP_z30', 'NCEP_z20', 'NCEP_z10', '20CRV2_prmsl', '20CRV2_z1000', '20CRV2_z950', '20CRV2_z900', '20CRV2_z850', '20CRV2_z800', '20CRV2_z750', '20CRV2_z700', '20CRV2_z650', '20CRV2_z600', '20CRV2_z550', '20CRV2_z500', '20CRV2_z450', '20CRV2_z400', '20CRV2_z350', '20CRV2_z300', '20CRV2_z250', '20CRV2_z200', '20CRV2_z150', '20CRV2_z100', '20CRV2_z70', '20CRV2_z50', '20CRV2_z30', '20CRV2_z20', '20CRV2_z10', '20CRV2c_prmsl', '20CRV2c_z1000', '20CRV2c_z950', '20CRV2c_z900', '20CRV2c_z850', '20CRV2c_z800', '20CRV2c_z750', '20CRV2c_z700', '20CRV2c_z650', '20CRV2c_z600', '20CRV2c_z550', '20CRV2c_z500', '20CRV2c_z450', '20CRV2c_z400', '20CRV2c_z350', '20CRV2c_z300', '20CRV2c_z250', '20CRV2c_z200', '20CRV2c_z150', '20CRV2c_z100', '20CRV2c_z70', '20CRV2c_z50', '20CRV2c_z30', '20CRV2c_z20', '20CRV2c_z10',
[docs]_EOBSVARIABLES_ = ['tg', 'tx', 'tn', 'rr']
[docs]def reanalyses(start=1948, end=None, variable='slp', dataset='NCEP', timres='day', getlevel=True): """ Fetches the reanalysis data (NCEP, 20CR or ERA_20C) to local file system :param start: int for start year to fetch source data :param end: int for end year to fetch source data (if None, current year will be the end) :param variable: variable name (default='slp'), geopotential height is given as e.g. z700 :param dataset: default='NCEP' :return list: list of path/ """ # used for NETCDF convertion from netCDF4 import Dataset from os import path, system, remove from import call from shutil import move # used for NETCDF convertion try: if end is None: end = obs_data = [] if start is None: if dataset == 'NCEP': start = 1948 if dataset == '20CR': start = 1851'start / end date set') except Exception as ex: msg = "get_OBS module failed to get start end dates: {}".format(ex) LOGGER.exception(msg) raise Exception(msg) if 'z' in variable: level = variable.strip('z') else: level = None'level: %s' % level) cur_year = cur_month = cur_day = try: for year in range(start, end + 1): LOGGER.debug('fetching single file for %s year %s ' % (dataset, year)) try: if dataset == 'NCEP': if variable == 'slp': url = '' % (variable, year) # noqa if variable == 'pr_wtr': url = '' % (year) # noqa if 'z' in variable: url = '' % (year) # noqa elif dataset == '20CRV2': if variable == 'prmsl': if timres == '6h': url = '' % year # noqa else: url = '' % year # noqa if 'z' in variable: if timres == '6h': url = '' % (year) # noqa else: url = '' % (year) # noqa elif dataset == '20CRV2c': if variable == 'prmsl': if timres == '6h': url = '' % year # noqa else: url = '' % year # noqa if 'z' in variable: if timres == '6h': url = '' % (year) # noqa else: url = '' % (year) # noqa else: LOGGER.debug('Dataset %s not known' % dataset) LOGGER.debug('url: %s' % url) except Exception as ex: msg = "could not set url: {}".format(ex) LOGGER.exception(msg) try: # force updating of the current year dataset if year == cur_year: import urlparse parsed_url = urlparse.urlparse(url) cur_filename = path.join(path.cache, parsed_url.netloc, parsed_url.path.strip('/')) if path.exists(cur_filename): fn_time = dt.fromtimestamp(path.getmtime(cur_filename)) LOGGER.debug('Rean data for %s year creation time: %s' % (year, fn_time)) if (fn_time.year == cur_year) and (fn_time.month == cur_month) and ( == cur_day): LOGGER.debug('Rean data for %s year is up-to-date' % year) else: LOGGER.debug('Rean data for %s year forced to update' % year) remove(cur_filename) # ########################################### df = download(url, cache=True) LOGGER.debug('single file fetched %s ' % year) # convert to NETCDF4_CLASSIC try: ds = Dataset(df) df_time = ds.variables['time'] # Here, need to check not just calendar, but that file is ncdf_classic already... if (hasattr(df_time, 'calendar')) is False: p, f = path.split(path.abspath(df)) LOGGER.debug("path = %s , file %s " % (p, f)) # May be an issue if several users are working at the same time move(df, f) conv = call(resource=f, output_format_options={'data_model': 'NETCDF4_CLASSIC'}, dir_output=p, prefix=f.replace('.nc', '')) obs_data.append(conv) LOGGER.debug('file %s to NETCDF4_CLASSIC converted' % conv) # Cleaning, could be 50gb... for each (!) user # TODO Check how links work cmdrm = 'rm -f %s' % (f) system(cmdrm) else: obs_data.append(df) ds.close() except Exception as ex: LOGGER.exception('failed to convert into NETCDF4_CLASSIC: {}'.format(ex)) except Exception as ex: msg = "download failed on {}: {}".format(url, ex) LOGGER.exception(msg)'Reanalyses data fetched for %s files' % len(obs_data)) except Exception as ex: msg = "get reanalyses module failed to fetch data: {}".format(ex) LOGGER.exception(msg) raise Exception(msg) if (level is None) or (getlevel is False): data = obs_data else:'get level: %s' % level) data = get_level(obs_data, level=level) return data
[docs]def get_level(resource, level): from flyingpigeon.ocgis_module import call from netCDF4 import Dataset from flyingpigeon.utils import get_variable from numpy import squeeze from os import path try: if type(resource) == list: resource = sorted(resource, key=lambda i: path.splitext(path.basename(i))[0]) # resource.sort() level_data = call(resource, level_range=[int(level), int(level)]) variable = get_variable(level_data)'found %s in file' % variable) ds = Dataset(level_data, mode='a') var = ds.variables.pop(variable) dims = var.dimensions new_var = ds.createVariable('z%s' % level, var.dtype, dimensions=(dims[0], dims[2], dims[3])) # i = where(var[:]==level) new_var[:, :, :] = squeeze(var[:, 0, :, :]) # TODO: Here may be an error! in case of exception, dataset will not close! # Exception arise for example for 20CRV2 data... try: new_var.setncatts({k: var.getncattr(k) for k in var.ncattrs()}) except Exception as ex:'Could not set attributes for z {}{}'.format(level, ex)) ds.close()'level %s extracted' % level) data = call(level_data, variable='z%s' % level) except Exception as ex: LOGGER.exception('failed to extract level {}'.format(ex)) return data
[docs]def write_fileinfo(resource, filepath=False): """ write path and filenames to a text file :param ressource: list of files to be documented :param filepath: if True the absolute filepath is written out as well (default = False) :return txt: textfile with appropriate information""" from os.path import basename, realpath from tempfile import mkstemp _, text_src = mkstemp(dir='.', suffix='.txt') try: with open(text_src, 'w') as fp: fp.write('###############################################\n') fp.write('####### birdhouse process ######\n') fp.write('###############################################\n') if filepath is False: fp.write('Following is a list of resource files: \n') fp.write('\n') for f in resource: fp.write('%s \n' % basename(f)) else: fp.write('Following files are stored to your local discs: \n') fp.write('\n') for f in resource: fp.write('%s \n' % realpath(f))'resources filenames written to textfile') except Exception as ex: LOGGER.exception('failed to write file names to file {}'.format(ex)) return text_src
# _EODATA_ = ["PSScene3Band__visual", # "PSScene4Band__analytic", # "PSScene4Band__analytic_xml", # "Sentinel2L1C__metadata_aux", # "Sentinel2L1C__analytic_b1", # "Sentinel2L1C__analytic_b2", # blue # "Sentinel2L1C__analytic_b3", # green # "Sentinel2L1C__analytic_b4", # red # "Sentinel2L1C__analytic_b8", # nivr # ] # PSScene3Band PlanetScope Scenes # PSScene4Band PlanetScope Scenes # PSOrthoTile PlanetScope OrthoTiles # REOrthoTile RapidEye OrthoTiles # REScene RapidEye Scenes (unorthorectified strips) # SkySatScene SkySat Scenes # Landsat8L1G Landsat8 Scenes # Sentinel2L1C Copernicus Sentinel-2 Scenes # "_permissions": [ # "assets.analytic_b1:download", # "assets.analytic_b3:download", # "assets.analytic_b2:download", # "assets.analytic_b5:download", # "assets.analytic_b4:download", # "assets.analytic_b7:download", # "assets.analytic_b6:download", # "assets.analytic_b9:download", # "assets.analytic_b8:download", # "assets.analytic_b8a:download", # "assets.visual:download", # "assets.metadata_aux:download", # "assets.analytic_b10:download", # "assets.analytic_b11:download", # "assets.analytic_b12:download" # ], # def fetch_eodata(item_type, asset, token, bbox, period=[ # (days=30),], cloud_cover=0.5, cache=True): # """ # search for given EO data product provided by planet. # The search and appropriate download is limited by bbox and search period # # :param item_type: product provided by planet # :param asset: product asset, (visible, analytic, bands) # :param token: Authentification token generated by planet Earth Obersavation Explorer # :param bbox: latitude longitude coordinates defining a bounding box # :param period: [start , end] datetime objects (default last 30 days) # :param cloud_cover: threshold for cloud_cover tolerance. 0 = 0percent cloud_cover 1=100percent cloud_cover # :param cache: if True file (default) is stored in local cache # # return list: list of pathes for fetched products # """ # # import os # import requests # from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth # import shutil # import time # from os.path import join # from os import makedirs # from flyingpigeon.config import cache_path # # Enter a bbox: min_lon, max_lon, min_lat, max_lat. # # xmin ymin xmax ymax # geojson_geometry = {"type": "Polygon", # "coordinates": [[ # [bbox[0], bbox[1]], # [14.600830078125, 8.677421123289992], # [bbox[2], bbox[1]], # [14.797210693359375, 8.677421123289992], # [bbox[2], bbox[3]], # [14.797210693359375, 8.90678000752024], # [bbox[0], bbox[3]], # [14.600830078125, 8.90678000752024], # [bbox[0], bbox[1]], # [14.600830078125, 8.677421123289992] # ]]} # # LOGGER.debug("geojson_geometry: %s" % geojson_geometry) # # get images that overlap with our AOI # geometry_filter = { # "type": "GeometryFilter", # "field_name": "geometry", # "config": geojson_geometry # } # # start = period[0] # end = period[1] # # # LOGGER.debug("Period %s to %s " % (start, end)) # # # get images acquired within a date range # date_range_filter = { # "type": "DateRangeFilter", # "field_name": "acquired", # "config": { # "gte": "%s000Z" % (start.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.')), # "lte": "%s000Z" % (end.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.')), # } # } # # # only get images which have <50% cloud coverage # cloud_cover_filter = { # "type": "RangeFilter", # "field_name": "cloud_cover", # "config": { # "lte": cloud_cover # } # } # # # combine our geo, date, cloud filters # combined_filter = {"type": "AndFilter", # "config": [geometry_filter, date_range_filter, cloud_cover_filter]} # # # API Key # PLANET_API_KEY = token # os.getenv('PL_API_KEY') # # # item_type = item_type, assetproducts[0] # "PSScene4Band" # # API request object # # search_request = { # "interval": "day", # "item_types": [item_type], # "filter": combined_filter # } # # if cache: # DIR_archiv = cache_path() # else: # DIR_archiv = '.' # DIR = join(DIR_archiv, "EO_data", item_type, asset) # # if not os.path.exists(DIR): # makedirs(DIR) # # # fire off the POST request # search_result = # '', # auth=HTTPBasicAuth(PLANET_API_KEY, ''), # json=search_request) # # #'Search result: %s ' % json.dumps(search_result.json(), indent=1)) # # # extract image IDs only # image_ids = [feature['id'] for feature in search_result.json()['features']] #"image IDs: %s " % image_ids) # # resources = [] # resources_sleeping = [] # # for image_id in image_ids: # # id0 = image_id # if "xml" in asset: # filename = "%s.xml" % id0 # else: # filename = "%s.tif" % id0 # # local_file = join(DIR, filename) # mkstemp(dir="/home/nils/data/planet/", prefix=id0, suffix='.tif') # # if os.path.exists(local_file): #'File %s in cache' % filename) # resources.extend([local_file]) # else: # id0_url = '{}/items/{}/assets'.format(item_type, id0) # # # Returns JSON metadata for assets in this ID. Learn more: # # # result = requests.get(id0_url, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(PLANET_API_KEY, '')) # # List of asset types available for this particular satellite image # keys = result.json().keys() # LOGGER.debug("assets in file %s : %s " % (filename, keys)) # # This is "inactive" if the "visual" asset has not yet been activated; otherwise 'active' # # if 'analytic' in result.json().keys(): # if asset in keys: # LOGGER.debug("downloading file %s" % filename) # # LOGGER.debug(result.json()[asset]['status']) # # Parse out useful links # links = result.json()[asset]["_links"] # u"analytic" # self_link = links["_self"] # activation_link = links["activate"] # # Request activation of the 'visual' asset: # activate_result = requests.get(activation_link, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(PLANET_API_KEY, '')) # # Parse out useful links # links = result.json()[asset]["_links"] # u"analytic" # self_link = links["_self"] # activation_link = links["activate"] # # Request activation of the 'visual' asset: # activate_result = requests.get(activation_link, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(PLANET_API_KEY, '')) # activation_status_result = requests.get(self_link, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(PLANET_API_KEY, '')) # # try: # timeout = time.time() + 30 # 30 seconds from now # while activation_status_result.json()["status"] != 'active': # if time.time() > timeout and activation_status_result.json()["status"] == 'inactive': # LOGGER.debug("File %s is still inactive after 30sec. Giving up" % filename) # resources_sleeping.extend([filename]) # break # else: # LOGGER.debug('File %s is sleeping. gently waking up' % filename) # LOGGER.debug(activation_status_result.json()["status"]) # time.sleep(30) # activation_status_result = requests.get(self_link, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(PLANET_API_KEY, '')) # # if time.time() < timeout or activation_status_result.json()["status"] == 'active': # LOGGER.debug('File ready to download: %s' % (activation_status_result.json()["status"])) # # Image can be downloaded by making a GET with your Planet API key, from here: # download_link = activation_status_result.json()["location"] # r = requests.get(download_link, stream=True, verify=False) # with open(local_file, 'wb') as fp: # shutil.copyfileobj(r.raw, fp) # resources.extend([local_file]) # except: # LOGGER.exception("failed to download file %s " % filename) # else: # LOGGER.debug('Asset not found in keys, most likely no permissions for this data set %s ' % filename) # # return resources_sleeping, resources